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14 days beautiful nails
3 easy steps
100% vegan & HEMA-free
The Premium Kit Peel Off Natural contains the Prep Booster, Manicure supplies, the Peel Base, our regular Base Coat, a Top Coat, gel polish colour #251 Nude Pink and a Premium LED Lamp White. This lamp fits your entire hand and is also suitable for a gel polish pedicure for your toenails.
This kit comes with our two fan favourite Base Coats. Our regular Base Coat, for a 14 day long beautiful manicure, and the Peel Base. With the Peel Base you can remove your gel nail polish in an instant without using any Remover or soaking your nails! Use our Peel Base after the Prep Booster and you will enjoy your gel nail polish for a minimum of 7 days. Convenient if you feel like quickly doing a new round of one of your favourite gel polish colours without the hassle of removing the previous gel polish.
You can choose to either use the Peel Base or the regular Base Coat. Or you can use the Peel Base in combination with the Base Coat for an extra strong and longer lasting manicure including the ease of instantly removing your gel nail polish!
• 1 x Colour #251 Nude Pink (15 ml)
• 1 x Prep Booster (15 ml)
• 1 x Peel Base Coat (15 ml)
• 1 x Base Coat (15 ml)
• 1 x Shine Top Coat (15 ml)
• 1 x Cuticle Oil (15 ml)
• 1 x Manicure Kit
• 1 x Cleaner (100 ml)
• 1 x Remover (100 ml)
Push back the cuticles, file the nails and roughen the nail plate with the fine side of a nail file or polishing block. Degrease the nails with a Cleaner wipe. Apply the Prep Booster over the entire nail plate. Let air dry for 30 seconds.
In the next 3 steps, prevent the gel polish from coming into contact with the skin and cuticles. If necessary, use the Woodstick to clean the skin directly.
Step 1. Apply Base Coat
Apply the Peel Base over the entire nail plate. Allow to air dry for 30 seconds.
Optional: Apply the normal Base thinly for extra strength. Harden the Base for 60 sec under the LED lamp.
Step 2. Apply colour
Apply 1 layer of your favourite colour. Harden each layer for 60 sec under the LED lamp. Repeat this step if necessary.
Step 3. The Finishing Touch
Apply the Top Coat and let it cure for 60 sec as well. After this, wait 2 minutes and then remove the sticky layer with a cleaning cloth. After that, you're ready to go!
Extra care.
Apply Cuticle Oil to your cuticles and gently massage it in.
Fancy a new gel polish colour?
The Pink Gellac Peel Base is easy to peel off the nails. Gently try to peel off a piece of the gellac. Now you can easily peel the gel polish off the nail. You are immediately ready to apply a new colour!
Push back the cuticles, file the nails and roughen the nail plate with the fine side of a nail file or polishing block. Degrease the nails with a Cleaner wipe. Apply the Prep Booster over the entire nail plate. Let air dry for 30 seconds.
In the next 3 steps, prevent the gel polish from coming into contact with the skin and cuticles. If necessary, use the Woodstick to clean the skin directly.
Step 1. Apply Base Coat
Apply the Peel Base over the entire nail plate. Allow to air dry for 30 seconds.
Optional: Apply the normal Base thinly for extra strength. Harden the Base for 60 sec under the LED lamp.
Step 2. Apply colour
Apply 1 layer of your favourite colour. Harden each layer for 60 sec under the LED lamp. Repeat this step if necessary.
Step 3. The Finishing Touch
Apply the Top Coat and let it cure for 60 sec as well. After this, wait 2 minutes and then remove the sticky layer with a cleaning cloth. After that, you're ready to go!
Extra care.
Apply Cuticle Oil to your cuticles and gently massage it in.
Fancy a new gel polish colour?
The Pink Gellac Peel Base is easy to peel off the nails. Gently try to peel off a piece of the gellac. Now you can easily peel the gel polish off the nail. You are immediately ready to apply a new colour!
Let's unbox
How to apply gel polish
Ready to nail it? Applying gel polish at home is easier than ever! Just follow these 3 simple steps for salon-quality gel nails.
Fine order thanks
Fine order thanks
Sonja B. | today
Beautiful colors
Beautiful colors , easy to use
Pascale Kestelyn | today
Costs a bit, but then you also get way
Good quality, nice colors. Expensive though
Li | today
Very good quality of products....
Very good quality products and fast delivery!
Soraya | today
Always deliver neatly and on time
Always deliver neatly and on time And is wonderful gellac to work with
M van Steenpaal | 1 day ago
Super fast delivery
Super fast delivery. Received the next day. Lamp works great. Extremely happy with this purchase.
Mandy Gootzen | 1 day ago
The color is brighter than in photo
The color is brighter than in photo
Anneke | 1 day ago
Super fast delivery
Super fast delivery Beautiful set
Jacqueline Kater | 1 day ago
Super fast delivery
Super fast delivery! Looks top notch. I bought a starter set. I just don't think the lamp is that sturdy. The bottom plate fell off when I picked up the lamp. Is not really firmly attached. Nice that I could pick my own 7 colors. I am very curious to use it. It was not quite right with the € 30 discount code but this amount was refunded the next day. Top service!
M Pouw | 1 day ago
Very good products and super fast...
Very good products and super fast service!
An | 1 day ago
Bug crowd Tester testing
Bug crowd Tester testing
Marianne | 1 day ago
Pleasant experience
Pleasant store in Eindhoven, friendly staff. Fine products
Monique Eijnden | 1 day ago
Very good product
Very good product
Esther Agostini | 1 day ago
Good explanation from the saleswoman
Good explanation from the saleswoman. Nice colors. Easy to paint your own nails.
Nele | 1 day ago
Great purchase!
The store employees were very helpful and friendly. The product is also great (as I am used to from pinkgellac)
Femke Dijkstra | 1 day ago
Very satisfied
Very satisfied, daughter used to saw for a long time, her friends also used this. This weekend also once used myself ewel I am under kn pressure. For my first time on my own it turned out well. I am a fan and will be buying some more in the near future.
Vicky Bauwen | 1 day ago
Stays in place for a long time
Lasts a long time Easy to apply Very satisfied
Rachel Vautmans | 1 day ago
Super nice company with a very good...
Super nice company with very good customer service! My favo product; Peel Base. Works perfectly!
Wendy | 1 day ago
Well helped in the store with advice
Annie Jorissen | 1 day ago
Fijne bestelling bedankt
Fijne bestelling bedankt
Sonja B. | today
Mooie kleuren
Mooie kleuren , gemakkelijk in gebruik
Pascale Kestelyn | today
Kost wat, maar dan krijg je ook way
Goede kwaliteit, mooie kleurtjes. Wel duur
Li | today
Hele goeie kwaliteit van de producten…
Hele goeie kwaliteit van de producten en snelle levering!
Soraya | today
Leveren altijd netjes en op tijd
Leveren altijd netjes en op tijd En is heerlijke gellac om mee te werken
M van Steenpaal | 1 day ago
Super snelle levering
Super snelle levering. Dag erna al in huis. Lamp werk fantastisch. Ontzettend blij met deze aankoop.
Mandy Gootzen | 1 day ago
De kleur is feller dan op foto
De kleur is feller dan op foto
Anneke | 1 day ago
Super snel geleverd
Super snel geleverd Mooie set
Jacqueline Kater | 1 day ago
Super snelle levering
Super snelle levering! Ziet er top uit. Ik heb een startersset gekocht. Ik vind alleen de lamp niet zo stevig. Het onderplaatje viel eraf toen ik de lamp oppakte. Zit niet echt stevig vast. Leuk dat ik zelf 7 kleurtjes kon uitkiezen. Ik ben heel benieuwd om het te gebruiken. Het was niet helemaal goed gegaan met de € 30 kortingscode maar dit bedrag werd de volgende dag teruggestort. Topservice!
M Pouw | 1 day ago
Zeer goeie producten en supersnelle…
Zeer goeie producten en supersnelle service!
An | 1 day ago
Bug crowd Tester testing
Bug crowd Tester testing
Marianne | 1 day ago
Prettige ervaring
Prettige winkel in Eindhoven, vriendelijk personeel. Fijne producten
Monique Eijnden | 1 day ago
Très bon produit
Très bon produit
Esther Agostini | 1 day ago
Goede uitleg van de verkoopster
Goede uitleg van de verkoopster. Leuke kleurtjes. Gemakkelijk om zelf je nagels te lakken.
Nele | 1 day ago
Goede aankoop!
De winkelmedewerkers waren heel behulpzaam en vriendelijk. Het product is ook geweldig (zoals ik gewend ben van pinkgellac)
Femke Dijkstra | 1 day ago
Heel tevreden
Heel tevreden, dochter zaagde er al lang om, haar vriendinnen gebruikten dit ook. Dit weekend ook eens zelf gebruikt ewel ik ben onder de kndruk. Voor mijn eerste keer op mezelf is het goed gelukt. Ik ben fan en ik koop zeker binnen kort terug paar kleurkes
Vicky Bauwen | 1 day ago
Blijft lang zitten
Blijft lang zitten Laat zich makkelijk aanbrengen Heel tevreden
Rachel Vautmans | 1 day ago
Super fijn bedrijf met een zeer goede…
Super fijn bedrijf met een zeer goede klantenservice! Mijn favo product; Peel Base. Werkt perfect!
Wendy | 1 day ago
Goed geholpen in de winkel met advies
Annie Jorissen | 1 day ago
Other Starter Kits for you

Complete kit + 4 pre-selected colours
Set value 2 539 kr

Complete Kit + Peel Base + 251 Nude Pink
Set value 2 284 kr

Complete kit + Peel Base + 251 Nude Pink
Set value 1 537 kr