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I have been to the store in Utrecht
I have been to the store in Utrecht. Beautiful store with way too much choice. I could walk around nicely and ask a question without annoying salesmen wanting something.
Bd | today
Fast and smooth delivery
Fast and smooth delivery. Top products. Good communication.
Anne | today
I was helped tremendously by ...
I was helped incredibly nicely by a saleswoman, thought with me. She was spontaneous and kind.
Marion | today
Snelle service
Quick service, quick response to the email I had sent.
Jolanda | today
Pinkgellac is really top I have been doing it for 1.5...
Pinkgellac is really top I have been doing my nails with it for 1.5 years.
Sanne | today
there is very nice workers
they treat you good in the store and are very claint frendly
customer | today
Friendly staff
Super neat service and nice explanation and it was a nice price with the discount. Now going to try it myself.
Els Ebbelinghaus | today
It may be a little pricier than....
It may be a little pricier than regular nail polish but no matter what I do, washing up, brushing, cooking etc. the gellac stays on for at least 3 weeks and doesn't get dull, it doesn't chip and my nails look stronger. If you go to a nail studio it costs a lot and now that I do it myself at home, the cost is easily saved and Friday afternoon is Me Time.
Brigitte | today
Pleased with customer service
I was helped quickly and well, my questions were answered with a solution.
Jada Conijnenberg | 1 day ago
Very satisfied with the products 😍 with a...
Very satisfied with the products 😍 with good hold and very wide choice of colors
Sandrine | 1 day ago
good service
good service
Noez | 1 day ago
1 of the best gellac out there
1 of the best gellac out there. No negative comments. Top products.
Sinia Kowalska | 1 day ago
Satisfied with my Pink Gellac order!
Hello, I recently ordered from Pink Gellac before the end of the sales and took advantage of the 30€ discount on the sets. I opted for the 159€ set, which includes a lamp, a series of accessories, a choice of seven colors and the Peel Off Base. I placed my order on a Tuesday evening and received it on Thursday during the day. The box was in good condition and nothing was missing inside. Can't wait to try the products!
Starly | 1 day ago
Fantastic product
Fantastic product. Easy and beautiful results
Nathalie Pourel | 1 day ago
Amazing quality
Amazing quality! Definitly recommend
Moi | 1 day ago
Bottles neatly packaged and within 1 day....
Bottles neatly packaged and in house within 1 day
alie | 1 day ago
Fast delivery
Incredibly fast delivery good packaging And the case is great
Mevr. Verweij, M.A.J.M | 1 day ago
Always good
Fast delivery , just always good products
brigit | 1 day ago
Perfect service in the store in Bruges.
Perfect service in the store in Bruges.
Annemarie | 1 day ago
Ik ben in de winkel in Utrecht geweest
Ik ben in de winkel in Utrecht geweest. Prachtige winkel met veel te veel keuze. Ik kon lekker rondlopen en een vraag stellen zonder lastige verkopers die iets willen.
Bd | today
Snelle en vlotte levering
Snelle en vlotte levering. Topproducten. Goede communicatie.
Anne | today
Ik ben ontzettend fijn geholpen door…
Ik ben ontzettend fijn geholpen door een verkoopster, dacht met mij mee. Ze was spontaan en aardig.
Marion | today
Snelle service
Snelle service, snel reageren op de mail die ik had gestuurd.
Jolanda | today
Pinkgellac is echt top ik doe er al 1,5…
Pinkgellac is echt top ik doe er al 1,5 jaar mijn nagels mee.
Sanne | today
there is very nice workers
they treat you good in the store and are very claint frendly
customer | today
Vriendelijk personeel
Super netjes geholpen en mooie uitleg en het was een leuke prijs met de korting. Nu zelf gaan proberen.
Els Ebbelinghaus | today
Het is mischien wat prijziger dan…
Het is mischien wat prijziger dan gewone nagellak maar wat ik ook doe,afwassen -poetsen-koken en dergelijke de gellac blijft minstens 3 weken goed zitten en word ook niet dof.Het brokkelt niet af en vind ook dat mijn nagels steviger er van worden. Als je naar een nagel studio gaat kost het ook veel en nu ik het thuis zelf doe,haal je de kosten er zo uit en vrijdag namiddag is het Me Time
Brigitte | today
Blij met de klantenservice
Ik werd snel en goed geholpen, mijn vragen werden beantwoord met een oplossing.
Jada Conijnenberg | 1 day ago
Très satisfaite des produits 😍 avec une…
Très satisfaite des produits 😍 avec une bonne tenue et très large choix de couleurs
Sandrine | 1 day ago
goede service
goede service
Noez | 1 day ago
1 van de beste gellac die er bestaan
1 van de beste gellac die er bestaan. Geen negatieve opmerkingen. Top producten.
Sinia Kowalska | 1 day ago
Satisfaite de ma Commande Pink Gellac !
Bonjour, J'ai récemment commandé chez Pink Gellac avant la fin des soldes et j'ai profité de la réduction de 30€ sur les sets. J'ai opté pour le set à 159€, qui comprend une lampe, une série d'accessoires, sept coloris au choix et en plus le Peel Off Base. J'ai passé ma commande un mardi soir et je l'ai reçue dès le jeudi dans la journée. Le carton était en bon état et rien ne manquait à l'intérieur. Hâte d'essayer les produits !
Starly | 1 day ago
Fantastic product
Fantastic product. Easy and beautiful results
Nathalie Pourel | 1 day ago
Amazing quality
Amazing quality! Definitly recommend
Moi | 1 day ago
Flesjes keurig verpakt en binnen 1 dag…
Flesjes keurig verpakt en binnen 1 dag in huis
alie | 1 day ago
Snelle levering
Ongelooflijk snel geleverd goede verpakking En de case is geweldig
Mevr. Verweij, M.A.J.M | 1 day ago
Altijd goed
Snelle levering , gewoon altijd goede producten
brigit | 1 day ago
Perfecte service in de winkel in Brugge.
Perfecte service in de winkel in Brugge.
Annemarie | 1 day ago
Which Base Coat suits you?

- Remove in 1 minute
- Remove like a sticker
- Air dry (30 seconds)
- Lasts 7-14 days

- Remove in 10 minutes
- Easy soak off with Remover
- Harden in LED Lamp (60 seconds)
- Lasts 14+ days
Award-Winning Innovations

Mentioned in:
Thanks to this magic base, there’s no need to soak your nails or use remover (who mentioned a nail drill?) to take off your gel polish.
Pink Gellac revolutionizes the nail care market with its semi-permanent nail polish offering that is both high-quality and cheerful.
Because of this, my nails have a nice shine and are strengthened, and the colour stays beautiful for weeks.
One of the best gel nail polish sets. This starter kit is ideal for getting started with polishing your own gel nails at home.

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